
  • simpson 372-2 Ohmmeter
    simpson 372-2 Ohmmeter,Versatile --wide variety of resistance measurements in a small package, Ranges from 0-500 Ohms to 0-50 Megohms,Compact size is ...
  • simpson 444 Micro-Ohmmeter
    simpson 444 Micro-Ohmmeter,AC pulse or DC polarity switching measurement methods ,Measures from 1 micro-ohm to 20 ohms ,AC lined-powered or battery-po...
  • simpson 501 Insulation Tester
    simpson 501 Insulation Tester,The Model 501 can be used for general purpose insulation tests that require voltages from 50 V to 1000 V only. Additiona...
  • simpson 505 High Voltage Insulation Tester
    simpson 505 High Voltage Insulation Tester,is capable of measuring insulation resistances from 10 kilohms to 1 teraohm with eight selectable test volt...
  • simpson 8455 Line Loop Tester
    simpson 8455 Line Loop Tester,It can measure DC voltage up to 100 volts and loop resistance to 2 megohms. A front panel “reverse polarity” switch al...
  • simpson TS113 萬用表
    simpson TS113 萬用表 simpson TS113 Multimeter for Railroad Servicing,The Simpson TS-113 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter Railroad Test Set is a rugged, simpson...