simpson Current Shunts simpson Current Shunts,External Portable and Switchboard Shunts,Reduce high DC Current Signal to Either 50 or 100 Millivolt Drop ,1% Accuracy with 5 F...
simpson Donut Current Transformers simpson Donut Current Transformers
simpson Donut Current Transformers,Meets A.S.A C57.13 Standard,Flexible leads are UL105,
simpson Current Transducers simpson Current Transducers,Reduces AC Current Signal Down to 4-20 mA DC,Screw Terminals for Easy Connection,Operates on 24V DC power
simpson183 Multiplier simpson183 Multiplier,Reduces high AC Voltage Signals downto 150 VAC,Reduces high DC Voltage signals down to 500μADC,Accuracy ±1%.
simpson NEMA 4 Removable Cover simpson NEMA 4 Removable Cover,Protects 1/8 DIN indicators and controllers,Dust tight and water tight to NEMA 4 standards,Removable front cover allows...
simpson Bezel and Illumination Kits simpson Bezel and Illumination Kits
simpson Bezel and Illumination Kits,This bezel kit provides an attractive appearance for Wide-Vue analog panel me...
simpson Current Transformer simpson Current Transformer,Optimal for remote sensing of AC current signals Converts AC current signal to 0-10 ACV signals,For use with rectifier typ...
simpson Current Transformer with Terminals simpson Current Transformer with Terminals,Reduces high AC current signal to 5amp AC signal,Use with analog and 5amp AC digital indicators.
simpson Three Phase AC Current Transformers simpson Three Phase AC Current Transformers
simpson Three Phase AC Current Transformers,Use with GIMA Series metersReduces high AC current signals
simpson 890-2 Sound Level Calibrator simpson 890-2 Sound Level Calibrator
simpson 890-2 Sound Level Calibrator,Simpson Type 2 sound level systems come in a variety of configurations to m...