

simpson 501 Insulation Tester

simpson 501 Insulation Tester,The Model 501 can be used for general purpose insulation tests that require voltages from 50 V to 1000 V only. Additionally, this instrument is equipped with AC and DC me

simpson 501 Insulation Tester,

simpson's Model 501 is the newest addition to itsinsulation tester family. The Model 501 can be used for generalpurpose insulation tests that require voltages from 50 V to 1000 Vonly. Additionally, this instrument is equipped with AC and DCmeasuring ranges up to 1000 V. This is especially advantageous fortesting devices for the absence of voltage and the discharge ofcapacitive devices under test. The Model 501 features a quicktesting signal lamp within the test probe that serves to illuminatethe work area. The signal lamp can also be used for quick Pass/Failevaluations of insulation resistances. Minimum values forinsulation resistances are present if the lamp lights up. Eachtester comes equipped with built-in test probes, one alligatorclip, a leatherette carrying case and batteries.

  • Five Test Voltages: 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000VDC
  • Voltage Measurement to 1000 V AC/DC
  • Test Probe Signal Lamp Illuminates Work Area andIndicates Pass/Fail of Insulation Resistance
  • Rugged Tester Design for Industrial Applicationswith Leatherette Carrying Case
  • Battery Powered, with Battery Test and BatteryCharge Indicator








    Measuring Ranges





    Ambient Temperature: 73_F(23_C)_ 4_F(2_C)

    Relative Humidity: 45 to 55%

    Measurement Magnitude Frequency: 45-65 Hz (voltage measurements)

    Line Voltage Waveform: Sine, deviation between effective and rectified value < .5%

    BatteryVoltage:9V_ .5V

    Operating Position: Horizontal


    Interference Emission:

    EN 50081-1: 1992

    Interference Immunity:

    EN 50082-1: 1992


    Designed to IEC 1010-1

    Protection Class: II

    Test Voltage: _ 5.55Kv

    Overvoltage Classification: II

    Pollution Degree: 2

    Protection: Housing IP52


    Operating Temp. Range: 32_F(0_C) to104_F(40_C)

    Storage Temp. Range: -4_F(-20_C) to140_F(60_C)(without batteries)

    Relative Humidity: Max. 45-55%, condensation must be avoided


    Dimensions: W 6.50” (165mm) x

    D 4.33” (110mm) x H 4.92” (125mm)

    Weight: 3.5 lbs. (1.6kg) (with batteries)


    Standard or Storage Battery: 6 ea. 1.5V “D” size batteries

    WorkingRange:7V to10V

    BatteryServiceLife: Numberof possible measurements with 1 set of “D” size

    batteries (with lamp in test prod switched off): at least 3,000 measurements of an

    insulation resistance of 1M_ (NominalVoltage of1000 V, 5 sec. Measurement duration,

    switched off for 25 sec. etc.)


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