

simpson TS113 萬用表

simpson TS113 萬用表 simpson TS113 Multimeter for Railroad Servicing,The Simpson TS-113 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter Railroad Test Set is a rugged, simpson TS113 Multimeter

simpson TS113 萬用表  simpson  TS113 Multimeter for Railroad Servicing,The Simpson TS-113 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter Railroad Test Set is a rugged, simpson  TS113 Multimeter 

The Simpson TS-113 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter RailroadTest Set is a rugged, reliable instrument that has been designedfor use by trained and qualified technicians associated with theRailroad Signaling and Communications Field. In construction andgeneral principle, it follows closely the proven Simpson patternbased on experience of many years of successful multimetermanufacture.

The following standard features are exclusiveonly to the TS113 Railroad Tester:

  • AC current transformer facilitates minimalvoltage drop
  • On time measurement at any rate in excess of 30pulses per minute
  • An adjustable Pointer Stop for observation ofpeak reading stabilization
  • A current-limiting diode prevents overloaddamage
  • Includes black padded nylon Carrying Case andTest Lead Set



    Dimensions: 7-1/8" (H) x 5-1/4" (W) x3" (D), (133.4 x 181 x 76.2mm)

    Weight: 2.5 lbs. (1.14 kg)

    Moisture Resistance: 85%

    Temperature: 0° - 50°c


    One 9-volt alkaline battery

    One 1.5 volt alkaline D-cell

    2A Fuse, Littelfuse #AG 2A or equal

    2A cartridge fuse (Littelfuse BLS 2 600V or Bussman BBS 2A)

    Specifications subject to change without notice.


simpson TS113 萬用表 simpson TS113 Multimeter 其它品牌