

simpson 505 High Voltage Insulation Tester

simpson 505 High Voltage Insulation Tester,is capable of measuring insulation resistances from 10 kilohms to 1 teraohm with eight selectable test voltages up to 5000 V. As a safety feature,

simpson 505 High Voltage Insulation Tester
simpson 505 High Voltage Insulation Tester

Measures Insulation Resistances up to 1 T Ohm

Simpson's Model 505 High Voltage InsulationTester is capable of measuring insulation resistances from 10kilohms to 1 teraohm with eight selectable test voltages up to 5000V. As a safety feature, the insulation tester acts as an AC/DCvoltmeter to measure the absence of voltage in networks up to 2000V.

For added safety, the cables are permanentlyattached, preventing possible injury that could occur by theaccidental removal of the cables. The Model 505 features automaticdischarging capability of capacitive units under test and a lock-intest switch, for hands free operation. An optional guard terminalis available to minimize surface leakage errors. There are two LEDsto indicate the selected measuring range, and one LED signifyingvalid measurements and battery charge status. Each tester comes ina padded carrying case with permanently connected cables and testprobes, 2 alligator clips and a plug-in battery module withbatteries.

  • Eight Test Voltages: 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500,2000, 2500, and 5000 VDC
  • High Sensitivity, Direct Resistance Reading to1T Ohm (1,000,000 M Ohms), no Multipliers
  • Voltage Measurement to 2000 V AC/DC
  • Automatic Discharge of Capacitive Devices UnderTest by Measuring Instrument
  • Battery Powered, with Battery Test and BatteryCharge Indicator
  • 2 LED Lamps Indicate Desired MeasurementScale
  • Optional Guard Cable Minimizes Surface LeakageErrors
  • Rugged Tester Design for Industrial Applicationswith Padded Carrying Case for Extra Protection


    Ambient Temperature: 73_F (23_C) _ 4_F (2_C)

    Relative Humidity: 45 to 55%

    Measurement Magnitude Frequency: 60Hz

    (voltage measurements)

    Line Voltage Waveform: Sine, deviation between effective and rectified value_ 1%

    BatteryVoltage: 9V _ 1%

    Operating Position: Horizontal


    Interference Emission: EN 50081-1: 1992

    Interference Immunity: EN 50082-1: 1992


    Designed to IEC1010-1

    Protection Class: II

    Test Voltage: _8.5 Kv

    Overvoltage Classification: II

    Pollution Degree: 2

    Protection: IP 52


    Operating Temp. Range: 32_F (0_C) to 104_F (40_C)

    Storage Temp. Range: -4_F (-20_C) to 140_F (60_C)

    (without batteries)

    Relative Humidity: max. 75%, condensation must be avoided

    Batteries: 6 ea. 1.5V “D” size batteries

    WorkingRange: 6 to 10V

    BatteryService Life: 100 hours for no-load and intermittent operation,7500

    measurements for test voltage of 1000V with measure resistance of 1M_, 15,000

    measurements for test voltage of 500V with measure resistance of500K_, measurement of

    5sec.- pause 25sec.


    Dimensions: W 11.41” (290mm) x D 9.8” (250mm) x H 5.5” (140mm)

    Weight: Approx.. 7.5 lbs. (with batteries)

    Specifications Subject To Change Without Notice.



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