

Simpson Shunts, Test Leads, and Thermistors

Simpson Shunts, Test Leads, and Thermistors Simpson Test Probes/Cables/Clips,The quality of Simpson test probes and clips are proven worldwide. See individual models for full listings.

Simpson Shunts, Test Leads, and Thermistors
Simpson Test Probes/Cables/Clips,The quality of Simpson test probes and clips are proven worldwide. See individual models for full listings.

Simpson Test Probes/Cables/Clips,
The quality of Simpson test probesand clips are proven worldwide. See individual models for fulllistings.
Test Leads for 8455
Model No. 45001
Consists of one each, red and black, flexible test leads, 6 ft.longwith Telco clips at
one end and ring-tongue connectors at the other end forconnectionto the
Instrument’s screw terminals

Test Leads for TS113
Model No. 07545
Consists of one pair of 4’ flexible color-coded ends withBananaPlugs & Insulated
Crocodile Clips

Screw-On Adapters
Retractable Grip-Tip Lead Probe Adapter 6-13/16” long, for usewith00043

444 Accessories
Standard Test Lead Set
Model No. 00827
This test lead set, 1 meter long, consists of RG-58 cable with aBNCconnector on one
end and a small Kelvin clip on the other end. The Kelvin clipwillaccept a conductor
up to 0.3" diameter.

Kelvin Test Probe Set
Model No. 02151
The Kelvin probe set consists of RG-174 cable with a BNCconnectoron one end and
a Kelvin probe on the other end. Spring contacts of the Kelvinprobeare sharply
pointed to penetrate corrosion and are close together, for usageintight areas.
Simpson Shunts, Test Leads, and Thermistors Simpson Shunts, Test Leads, and Thermistors 其它品牌