

simpson SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders

simpson SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders simpson SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders,The SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders combine the most routinelyused features in one standard device

simpson SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders
simpson SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders,The SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders combine the most routinelyused features in one standard device
simpson SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders,

The SE QuadratureDual-Shaft Encoders combine the mostroutinelyused

features in onestandard device, and are available with aselection

of five differentresolutions (pulses/revolution).

The cube-style unituses an infrared light source and precision

mechanical componentsto provide exact, repeatable counts.

Mounting the encoder isquick and easy using the pre-drilled holes in

the base flange, or thehousing mounting holes located at each shaft

output. This encodercan be used as a direct replacement for other

brand encoders, with noblind holes to drill. The double-ended,flatkeyed

shaft permits a choiceof mounting positions. Chrome steel

bearings provide 20%longer life than stainless steel bearings.

To aid introubleshooting, LEDs are located directly on the bodyto

instantly verifycorrect output operation. Quadrature output isstandard

and can be externallyscaled to provide any engineering unit (RPM,

angular position,feet/min., etc.). Gold-plated connectors ensuremaximum

signal transfer. Verylow power consumption; typical current

draw, 35mA @15DCV.



System OKLED,

operation/verificationon trouble



12-28 DCV - 35mA@ 15DCVtypical

High noiseimmunity

Short circuitprotection

Reverse polarityprotection


Square wave with50%

duty cycle 0 - 10,000pulse/sec.


Housing--ruggedanodized aluminum

Shaft Rotation--eitherdirection

Shaft Speed--6,000 RPMmax.


Bearings--heavy-dutychrome steel

Load--30lbs. radial;10lbs. axial


32°F to149°F (0-65°C)



simpson SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders simpson SE Quadrature Dual-Shaft Encoder 其它品牌