

simpson 886-2 Sound Level Meters

simpson 886-2 Sound Level Meters,Simpson's sound level meters come in two different versions to handle virtually any noise measurement requirement simpson 886-2 Sound Level Meters

simpson 886-2 Sound Level Meters,Simpson's sound level meters come in two different versions to handle virtually any noise measurement requirement simpson 886-2 Sound Level Meters
simpson  886-2 Sound Level Meters

Simpson's sound level meters come in two differentversions to handle virtually any noise measurement requirement: theModel 884-2 with an "A" weighted scale for simple measurements andthe Model 886-2 with a choice of fast or slow response and "A", "B"or "C" weighting. All three models have output jacks for connectingto a Chart Recorder. Optional calibrators are available forin-field adjustment.

  • General purpose, type 2 meters for OSHA andlaboratory sound measurements
  • Full coverage from 40-140dB with special85-115dB OSHA range
  • "A", "B", and "C" weighted measurementoptions
  • Rugged solid-state reliability,battery-operated
  • Impact-resistant case contoured to minimizesound energy field reflections

    Sound Level Systems

    Simpson Type 2 sound level systems come in a variety of configurations to meet any noise measurement requirements. Each system is composed of several

    components designed to work together as one integrated test instrument and output jacks that will supply an AC RMS or DC Volt signal.

    • Meets IEC 651 and ANSI S1.4-1983 Meters

    • Meets OSHA and Walsh-Healy Noise Control Specifications

    • Quickly and Accurately Measures Sound Levels in Factories, Offices, Etc.

    • Full coverage 40-140 dB with special 85-115 dB OSHA range

    • Impact-resistant case contoured to minimize sound energy field reflections

    • Operates 40 hours on a 9V battery

    • AC and DC voltage jacks for recorder, analyzer and tester Interface

    • Built-in tripod mount

    The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) provides for

    three weighting curves: "A ", "B", and "C".

    The "A" weighted curve more closely corresponds to the response of the ear and is

    specified by OSHA. The "C" curve is essentially a “flat” frequency response and can

    be used in conjunction with a “fast response for an approximate indication of

    impulse noise levels. Low Frequency noises are better monitored by the “C” curve

    than the “A” curve. Low frequency sounds need to be louder to be heard.

    The chart below shows the relationship between frequency and relative response.


    886-2 Multi Weight Sound Level Meter

    •Rugged solid-state reliability,

    • "A" , “B” and “C” weighting

    • Detachable microphone

    • Fast and slow response









    Physical: 3.0" x 8.2" x 1.9" (77 x 208 x 47mm)

    Weight: 1.25 lbs (.57kg)

    Construction: Molded ABS Plastic Housing


    Battery type: (1) 9V NEDA 1604A

    Battery life: 40 hrs. (approx)


    Operating: -10° to 50°C

    Storage: -40° to 60°C

    Temp. influence: +/-0.015 dB/°C @ 1KHz

    Operating humidity: +/-0.5dB 0 to 90%


    Ranges: 40 to 140 dB

    Reference: 0dB = 20m Pascals

    Accuracy: meets ANSI S1.4-1983


    884-2 type S2A (only): "A" (external filter for flat response)

    886-2 type 2 (only):A,B,C, (external filter for flat response)


    Type: condenser type L size per ANSI S1.12-1967

    Impedance: 350_ +/-20%@ 23°C

    Characteristics: omnidirectional, angle of incidence approximates

    random response equal to 70°


    External filter: 120mV RMS at meter reading of +10dB

    RMS Output: 1.00V RMS at meter reading of + 10dB

    dB Output: 1.5 VDC at meter reading of + 10dB

    Calibration: frequency=1000Hz @ 94dB on the 90 dB range,

    114 dB on the 110 dB range.

    Screwdriver adjustable (from side of case)


    Type: Pivot and Jewel, 2 1/2" dial;

    Scale: -10 to +10 dB w/(15) 1dB markings

    Accuracy: 2%

    Response time: Slow = 2.5 dB to a 500ms tone burst of 1000Hz

    Fast = 2.0 dB to a 200ms tone burst of 1000Hz


    Type: Switchcraft # 750(0.141"dia.) f/external filter, # 850(0.097" dia.) f/dB

    and RMS output

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