

noiseken ESS-2002EX靜電放電發(fā)生器

noiseken ESS-2002EX靜電放電發(fā)生器,符合: IEC 61000-4-2,ESS-2002EX是noiseken公司的*新產(chǎn)品,同時替代已停產(chǎn)的ESS-2002靜電放電發(fā)生器.

noiseken ESS-2002EX靜電放電發(fā)生器
noiseken ESS-2002EX  靜電放電發(fā)生器已停產(chǎn)ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SIMULATOR

noiseken ESS-2002EX  靜電放電發(fā)生器TC-815R

noiseken ESS-2002EX  靜電放電發(fā)生器
TC-815R     ESS-2002EX
(Gun stand PS-806 in the photo is an optional accessory.)
noiseken ESS-2002EX  靜電放電發(fā)生器 GENERAL
noiseken ESS-2002EX  靜電放電發(fā)生器

A manual ESD simulator that is both lightweight and compact.  A completely new design has made the product easier to use, safer and more reliable.

noiseken ESS-2002EX  靜電放電發(fā)生器
noiseken ESS-2002EX  靜電放電發(fā)生器
  • Easy to use self-explanatory control panel
  • Preset discharge interval and count
  • Preset IEC standard test levels
  • "V STEP" function enables the voltage setting can be altered in steps of the desired preset increment (or decrement)
noiseken ESS-2002EX  靜電放電發(fā)生器
noiseken ESS-2002EX  靜電放電發(fā)生器

Items   ESS-2002EX specifications
Output polarity Positive or negative
Output voltage 0.20 to30.0kV ±5% (30.5kV max)
0.20 to 1.0kV: 0.05V step,
1.0 to 30.0kV: 0.1V step
Discharge interval
(contact discharge)
Normal mode: 0.05s to 9.99s ±10%
Extra mode : 1.00s to 9.99s ±10%
0.01s step
No. of times of discharge 1 to 999 times preset on the counter or continuous
Discharge mode Air/contact discharge
Radiation level Normal/Extra mode
Trigger mode Gun trigger or main unit trigger
Preset IEC levels Contact discharge: 2.0kV, 4.0kV, 6.0kV, 8.0kV (4 test voltages preset)
Air discharge: 2.0kV, 4.0kV, 8.0kV, 15.0kV (4 test voltages preset)
Preset step voltage mode
("V STEP" function)
Step setting: 0.00kV to10kV
0.2kV to 1.0kV: 0.05kV step, 1.0kV to 30.0kV: 0.1kV step
Each time Increment or Decrement key is pressed, the test voltage changes by the preset step
Warning lamp Lights up while the HV circuitry is on.
Blinks while discharges are in progress
Discharge gun TC-815R
Charging resistance 10M ohm (53 M ohm for combination with TC-815R discharge gun)
Power supply 100 to 240V AC   50/60 Hz ±10%
Power consumption 62VA
Operating temperature and humidity +15 to +35ºC ,  25 to 75% (no condensation)
Dimensions (W)x(H)x(D) (W) 340 X (H) 200 X (D) 300 mm (Projection excluded)
Weight Approx. 4.6 kg
noiseken ESS-2002EX靜電放電發(fā)生器 ESS-2002EX 靜電放電發(fā)生器 其它品牌