

TG38 Series,Chatillon夾具

TG38 Series,Chatillon夾具,TG38 Series,Chatillon Grips& Fixtures,珠海科爾邁測試設備有限公司3年成功代理銷售經(jīng)驗與技術服務!Capacity:45 lbf (200 N)

TG38 Series,Chatillon夾具,TG38 Series,Chatillon Grips& Fixtures,珠??茽栠~測試設備有限公司3年成功代理銷售經(jīng)驗與技術服務!Capacity:45 lbf (200 N)

90-degree Peel Strength Fixture

This fixture features a self-adjusting sliding bed for 90-degree peel tests. The test plate moves freely in a horizontal position when the pressure sensitive material is removed in order to maintain a 90-degree peel angle.

45 lbf (200 N)

Used for peel tests on a wide range of materials including sealing tape, labels, laminated credit cards, coating, paints, varnishes, etc.

Measuring peel adhesion at 90-degrees often produces a lower result compared to a 180-degree test and allows values to be measured for materials normally giving paper tear. This fixture is ideal for use in tests complying with BS5350: Part C10 and FINAT test method No. 2 (FTM 2) - Peel Adhesion, 90-degrees at 300mm/min (11.81 in/min).

Includes upper fixture and lower sliding bed. Does not include test plate (customer must supply). The FINAT standard states that the test plate should be plate glass. If stainless steel or aluminum is used as a substitute, it should be stated with your recorded results.

TG38 Series,Chatillon夾具 TG38 Series,Chatillon Grips& Fixtures 其它品牌