

DFT Digital force tester offers a wide range of digital force tester and are available for all testing requirements, with capacities starting from 5 N to 2,500 N (0.5 to 250 Kg, 1.1 to 550 lbs). With


NEXTECH? DFT Force Tester offers highfeatures, a wide range of digital force tester and are availablefor all testing requirements, with capacities starting from 5 N to2,500 N (0.5 to 250 Kg, 1.1 to 550 lbs). The DFT Force Tester arecompact, easy to use and measure both the load of tension andcompression. Units of measurement can be displayed with any units(lb, Kg, N) of measurement desired, by a buttons click. With anaccuracy of ±0.1%, DFT also has database, statistics, date/time,pass/fail, reverse display and backlight.


 ? Large LCD display ? Economic design  ? Ease of use ofSoftware
 ? Easy RS232 data connectivity ? Highly accuratemeasurement
 ? Check both Tension and Compression
 ? Real time and peak mode (selectable)
 ? NIST traceable calibration  ? Overloadalarm, low battery indicator
 ? Interchangeable units between lb, kg and Newton
 ? Compatible with common test stands and grips
 ? Operates on rechargeable batteries or from direct ACpower supply
 ? Full set of accessories including hook, plateextension rod, batteries,

 carrying case andAC Charger/Adapter and a user's manual


  • Capacity Range: 9 Model, 5N to 2500N
  • Accuracy + 0.1%
  • Resolution 2500 divs
  • A/D Rate 1000 Hz
  • Effective Peak 0.1 sec
  • Data Capture Function:DFT also has database,statistics, date/time, pass/fail, reverse display and backlight
  • Tension and Compression Testing: Both
  • Overload Protection: 120% minimum
  • Power: Rechargeable Battery or AC Power
  • Display Type: Dot Matrix LCD
  • Data Collection: RS232
  • Weight: 27 oz (775 g) 500 N and below 37 oz (1060 g) 1000N andabove
  • Operating Temperature: 60? - 95 F (15-35 C)
  • Includes: Hook, plate, extension rod, carry case, batteries,charger, user’s manual, calibration certificate
  • Load Bar: Shows load percentage to minimize overloads
  • Battery Charge: 20 hours full operation from full charge
  • Accessories Available: Universal test stand mounting plate,serial cable, software, quick couplers and adapters, test stands,popular grip assortment
  • Warranty: One years parts and Labor
Model DFTCapacity and Divisions:
Model No:mNNkNg-fkg-foz-flb-f
DFT0055000 x15 x0.001-500 x0.10.5 x0.000117.5 x0.0051.1 x0.0002
DFT01010000 x210 x0.002-1000 x0.21 x0.000235 x0.012.2 x0.0005
DFT02525000 x525 x0.005-2500 x0.52.5 x0.000587.5 x0.0255.5 x0.001
DFT05050000 x1050 x0.01-5000 x15 x0.001175 x0.0511 x0.002
DFT100-100 x0.02-10000 x210 x0.002350 x0.122 x0.005
DFT250-250 x0.05-25000 x525 x0.005875 x0.2555 x0.01
DFT500-500 x0.1-50000 x1050 x0.011750 x0.5110 x0.02
DFT1000-1000 x0.21 x0.0002-100 x0.02-220 x0.05
DFT2500-2500 x0.52.5 x0.0005-250 x0.05-550 x0.1
Digital force tester DFT Digital force tester 其它品牌