

simpson SE編碼器

simpson se-060,se-100,se-120,se-360,se-600編碼器,品牌:辛普森(SIMPSON),雙重- 橋編碼器的 simpson SE 求積, SE 求積雙重- 橋編碼器結合*大多數的 routinelyused 特征在一個標準的裝置 ,

simpson se-060,se-100,se-120,se-360,se-600編碼器,品牌:辛普森(SIMPSON),

雙重- 橋編碼器的 simpson SE 求積, SE 求積雙重- 橋編碼器結合*大多數的routinelyused 特征在一個標準的裝置 ,

simpson SEQuadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders,編碼器.

The SEQuadrature Dual-Shaft Encoders combine the mostroutinelyused

features in onestandard device, and are available with aselection

of fivedifferent resolutions(pulses/revolution).

The cube-styleunit uses an infrared light source andprecision

mechanicalcomponents to provide exact, repeatablecounts.

Mounting theencoder is quick and easy using the pre-drilled holesin

the baseflange, or the housing mounting holes located at eachshaft

output. Thisencoder can be used as a direct replacement forother

brand encoders,with no blind holes to drill. The double-ended,flatkeyed

shaft permits achoice of mounting positions. Chromesteel

bearingsprovide 20% longer life than stainless steelbearings.

To aid introubleshooting, LEDs are located directly on the bodyto

instantlyverify correct output operation. Quadrature output isstandard

and can beexternally scaled to provide any engineering unit(RPM,

angularposition, feet/min., etc.). Gold-plated connectors ensuremaximum

signaltransfer. Very low power consumption; typicalcurrent

draw, 35mA @15DCV.


System OKLED,

operation/verification on trouble



12-28 DCV -35mA@ 15DCV typical

High noiseimmunity

Short circuitprotection

Reversepolarity protection


Square wavewith 50%

duty cycle 0 -10,000 pulse/sec.


Housing--ruggedanodized aluminum

ShaftRotation--either direction

ShaftSpeed--6,000 RPM max.

Shaft--stainless steel

Bearings--heavy-duty chrome steel

Load--30lbs.radial; 10lbs. axial


32°F to149°F (0-65°C)


simpson SE編碼器 se-060,se-100,se-120,se-360,se-600編碼器 其它品牌