


NEXYGEN?DF software expands the functionality of your CHATILLON?digital force gauge. This easy-to-use Windows?based package interfaces directly to your digital force gauge. You can download peak load

NEXYGENTM DF Series Software
Application Software for Chatillon Force & Torque Gauges

NEXYGEN?/FONT> DF software expands the functionality of your CHATILLON?digital force gauge. This easy-to-use Windows?based package interfaces directly to your digital force gauge. You can download peak load results from the gauge and display your results in tabular and graphical formats. Graphical results include markers denoting exact point positions. Results can be color coded for immediate pass/fail recognition. You can easily specify units of measure, fonts, titles, force measurement resolution. The software provides basic force measurement tensile and compression test formats including pull to break, pull to limit, compress to rupture and compress to limit. The software also provides torque to break and torque to limit analysis when connected to a Chatillon torque gauge. Results are presented in a spreadsheet format so you can analyze and manipulate data and perform common mathematical and statistical calculations. The software is easy to setup and features intelligent prompts, menus, combo boxes and other methods to get you up and running quickly and efficiently with minimal training. Navigation is simple using 揹rag & drop?and cut, copy and paste techniques. Data is easily exported to WORD? EXCEL? ACCESS? POWERPOINT?or OUTLOOK?

Standard Batch Tests

  • Pull To Break
  • Pull To Limit
  • Compress To Rupture
  • Compress To Limit
  • Torque to Break
  • Torque to Limit

System Requirements (Minimum)

  • Pentium II?Processor, 400MHz
  • 128MB RAM
  • 250MB Hard Disk Space
  • 16550 UART
  • CD ROM Drive (For Installation)
  • VGA Display Drive, 1024 x 768 Resolution
NEXYGEN TM Software DF Series 其他品牌