
  • simpson century style analog panel meter
    simpson century style analog panel meter,Glass window for optimum viewing.Rugged black plastic case.Black knife-edge pointer for precisionreading.simp...
  • simpson Tru-Vue Analog Panel Meters
    simpson Tru-Vue Analog Panel Meters,Clear acrylic case updates panel design, Black knife-edge pointer for precision reading,simpson Tru-Vue Analog Pan...
  • simpson round Analog Panel Meters
    simpson round Analog Panel Meters,Glass window for optimum viewing,Rugged black plastic case,simpson round Analog Panel Meters
  • simpson rectangular Analog Panel Meters
    simpson rectangular Analog Panel Meters,Plastic case with Glass Window,Calibration not affected when mounted on steel,simpson rectangular Analog Panel...
  • simpson Designer Analog Panel Meters
    simpson Designer Analog Panel Meters simpson Designer Analog Panel Meters,Clean, uncluttered design offers maximum,visibility in minimum required hei...
  • simpson Rugged Seal Analog Panel Meters
    simpson Rugged Seal Analog Panel Meters,Rugged metal case for rigorousenvironments,Splash-proof and sealed against moisture,dust and dirt,simpson Rugg...
  • simpson 250 Long Scale Analog Panel Meters
    simpson 250 Long Scale Analog Panel Meters,Excellent readability -- more than double,the scale length of standard movements, simpson 250 Long Scale An...
  • simpson Elapsed Time Meters
    simpson Elapsed Time Meters,Record “on” time of electrical equipment,No reset capability means virtually tamperproof,Choice of AC or DC models,2 siz...
  • simpson 3300 series rugged seal meter
    simpson 3300 series rugged seal meter,Wide Variety of Control, Alarm, and Limit Use,Calibration Not Affected by Steel Panel Mounting simpson 3300 seri...
  • simpson Hawk Digital Panel Meters
    simpson Hawk Digital Panel Meters,All parameters set from easy to understand front panel access Optional one, two or four 5 amp relays ,simpson Hawk D...
  • simpson H340 Digital Panel Meters
    simpson H340 Digital Panel Meters,All parameters set from easy to understand front panel access Optional one, simpson H340 Digital Panel Meters
  • simpson gima three phase digital panel meter
    simpson gima three phase digital panel meter,Four model types designed to fit a wide range of applications simpson gima three phase digital panel mete...
  • simpson s660 preset totalizer counter
    simpson s660 preset totalizer counter,Totalizer with several operating modes: count direction, add/add, add/subtract, simpson s660 preset totalizer co...
  • simpson s661 preset totalizer counter
    simpson s661 preset totalizer counter,Easily programmed from the front panel? Remote reset capability? Input variety: Quadrature, Switch, TTL,CMOS, ...
  • simpson S662 Batch/Dual Counter
    simpson S662 Batch/Dual Counter,The S662 is a multi-function counter that can be easily configured tooperate either in a dual mode or in a totalizing/...
  • simpson S663 Rate/Totalizer Counter
    simpson S663 Rate/Totalizer Counter simpson S663 Rate/Totalizer Counter,simpson S663 Rate/Totalizer Counter