Chatillon? Force Gauges
Validate and Measure with Confidence.
OurChatillon? force gauges represent the industry standard for force measurement. We offer a complete selection of mechanical and digital force gauges for handheld and test stand applications. All Chatillon force gauges come with accessories, carrying case, instructions and a Certificate of Calibration with NIST data. Our new DF Series digital gauges come with uncertainty calculations per ISO/IEC 17025. When purchasing any force gauge, always make sure the manufacturer supplies a Calibration Certificate with NIST Data.
MechanicalForce Gauges
LG Series, (100 lbf, 50 kgf, 500 N)
DG Series, (500lbf, 250 kgf, 2500 N)
Digital ForceGauges, Integral Loadcells
DFX Series, (200 lbf, 100kg, 1000N)NEW
DFE Series, (500 lbf, 250 kgf, 2500 N)
DFS Series, (500 lbf, 250 kgf, 2500 N)
Digital ForceGauges, Dedicated SLC Load Sensors
DFS-R Series, (1000 lbf, 500 kgf, 5000 N)
Digital ForceGauges, Interchangeable Sensors
DFS-R-ND Series,(Specify SLC or STS Sensor)
Remote Sensors for DFS-R-NDSeries
SLC Series, Loadcell Sensors
STS Series, Torque Sensors
Do you have anobsolete Chatillon or AMETEK Mansfield & Green forcegauge? Click on the gauge model to link you to the currentreplacement.
Mechanical ForceGauges |
DPP Series, Chatillon
DPPH Series, Chatillon
L Series, AMETEK Mansfield &Green
D Series, AMETEK Mansfield &Green |
Digital ForceGauges |
CFG Series,Chatillon
CSD200 Series,Chatillon
CSD300 Series,Chatillon
CSD400 Series,Chatillon
CSD500 Series,Chatillon
DFA Series,Chatillon
DFA-R Series,Chatillon
DFG Series,Chatillon
DFGHS Series,Chatillon
DFGRS Series,Chatillon
DFGS Series, Chatillon
DFGS-R Series,Chatillon
DFI Series,Chatillon
DFIS Series,Chatilllon
DFM Series,Chatillon
DFT Series,Chatillon
DGGHS Series,Chatillon
DRC Series,Chatillon
DTG Series,Chatillon
DTGHS Series,Chatillon
MSE100 Series,Chatillon
CADET Series, AMETEK Mansfield& Green
ACCUFORCE Series, AMETEKMansfield & Green
TORQUE CHEK Series, AMETEKMansfield & Green Series |