Model 897 Dosimeter General Help
Criterion Level
The decibel level for which 100% dose will be achieved if exposurelasts eight hours. For example: if the criterion level is set to 90dB, then spending eight hours in an environment at 90 dB willresult in a reading of 100% Dose.
The percent dose achieved using an eight hour time base. Dose iscalculated based on OSHA mandated maximum sound exposure.
Exchange Rate
The exchange rate is the number of dB's below the criterion levelthat results in a 50% reduction in dose. For example: with thecriterion level set at 90 dB and the Exchange Rate set at 5 dB, areading of 50% dose will occur when the dosimeter is exposed to 85dB for eight hours.
The average sound pressure level for one minute in dose mode.
The eight hour time weighted average sound level, expressed in dB.This value takes into account all sound measurement between thethreshold level and the Leq upper limit.
Leq Upper Limit
This is the maximum sound level the dosimeter will measure. Thedosimeter uses no sound levels above this value in calculating Leqor dose.
The maximum sound pressure level measured in a given one minuteinterval.
Sound Pressure Level (SPL)
The momentary pressure measurement expressed in dB as a ratio to agiven power level.
Maximum sound level achieved in dose mode.
Threshold Level
The dosimeter will not include any sound levels under this value inthe dose calculation. For example: if the threshold level is set at80 dB, the dosimeter will not use any sound levels below 80 dB inthe calculation of dose.
Downloading data from the Model 897 intoHyperTerminal
1. Connect dosimeter to available COM port usingthe optional RS-232 serial cable.
2. Start HyperTerminal.
3. In connection description window, establish a new connection bychoosing a name and icon, click OK.
4. In phone number window, connect using: direct to necessary COMport, click OK.
5. Set port settings to match the dosimeter (flowcontrol=Xon/Xoff), click OK.
6. Press PRINT on the dosimeter.
7. Data should now be displayed.
8. Save data and/or print.
Downloading data from the Model 897 intoMicrosoft Works 4.0
1. Connect dosimeter to available COM port usingoptional RS-232 serial cable.
2. Start Works 4.0
3. In Works Task Launcher go to Works Tools.
4. Click on communications.
5. Close the Easy Connect window if necessary.
6. Click on Settings and then Communication
7. Choose the COM Port the dosimeter is connected to, then click onproperties.
8. Set Port Settings to match the dosimeter (flowcontrol=Xon/Xoff), click OK.
9. Click OK again.
10. Click on the Dial/Hangup button on the toolbar.
11. Press PRINT on the Dosimeter.
12. Data should now be displayed.
13. Save data, print, and/or copy to the spreadsheet to graph.
Parallel Cable Layout for Model897 | |
15 Pin Input | 36 Pin Output |
1 | Not Connected |
2 | 8 |
3 | 9 |
4 | 16 & 33 |
5 | 4 |
6 | 3 |
7 | Not Connected |
8 | 1 |
9 | 9 |
10 | Not Connected |
11 | 6 |
12 | 5 |
13 | 17 & 19-30 |
14 | 2 |
15 | 11 |